Thank you for visiting
    the homepage of the Korean Polo Federation.

    We would like to sincerely welcome you as our guest.

    How are you, our polo families? By way of introduction, my name is Joh Joon-Hee (Steve),
    the Chairman of the Korean Polo Federation. It will be my honour to attend polo matches with
    you, especially at a time like this, where polo is making a significant leap forward in Korea.

    Polo has had a global presence with more than a 100-year storied history since it was formally adopted as an official game in 1900 during the second summer Olympic Games.
    At this time, polo is not one of the most popular sports domestically in Korea. That said, I will do my best to help the Korean people have more opportunities to experience the
    sport of polo and to become more familiar with this beautiful game.
    I will make every effort to develop the status of polo within our country of Korea. The sport has a long and proud history that we plan to honour and very much look forward to
    celebrating going forward. The main aim of the Korean Polo Federation is to elevate the presence of polo and therefore I will devote much of my time and attention to doing so.
    I am excited to move forward alongside the existing polo communities around the globe to grow the sport and increase its popularity.

    Thank you!
    • Chairman,
      Steve (Joon Hee) Joh

      - Founder/CEO, Uracle

      - Advisor, Presidential Advisory Council on Science & Technology (Ministerial Level)

      - Chairman, Korea Software Industry Association

      - President, Global Digital Platform Government Alliance (Korea Gevernment)

      - The President of Sponsorship Committee, The Woodang Foundation for Education and Culture

    • Vice Chairman,
      Travis (Ho Chan) Kang


    • Vice Chairman,
      David Young Ko

      - Founder/CEO, ACE Equity Partners

      - Chairman, Korea Polo Club

    • Vice Chairman & Head of Player
      Sponsorship Committee,
      Sung Kyun Na

      - Chairman, NEOWIZ HOLDINGS

    • Vice Chairman & Head of International
      Affairs Committee,
      Eric (Sang Yub) Sung

      - CEO / President, Intellian Technologies

    • Vice Chairman & Head of
      Membership Committee,
      James (Byung Joon) Song

      - Chairman, Com2uS

      - Chairman, WYSIWYG Studios

      - Civilian Member of the Public Diplomacy Committee at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      - The President of Sponsorship Committee, Korean National Ballet

    • Director & President of Seoul Polo Federation,
      Sun Ha Jang


    • Director & President of Gyeonggi Province
      Polo Federation,
      Taek Hwan Kwon

      - CEO/Vice Chairman, DAEYANG GROUP

    • Director & Prsesident of Jeolla Province
      Polo Federation,
      John (Hyun Jhon) Kim

      - President, Hidden Bay Hotel

    • Director & President of Gyeongsang Province
      Polo Federation,
      Jae Hyuk Choi

      - Vice President, SAMGU CONSTRUCTION

    • Director & President of North &
      South America, Korea Polo Federation
      Kyu C. Lee

      - President, Com2uS USA